Per i nuovi mondi del lavoro, riscriviamo i mondi della consulenza.

Prodotti Digitali

Combinare tecnologia e consulenza è il modo migliore per mettere in atto la trasformazione digitale: abbiamo sviluppato delle soluzioni tecnologiche che agevolano i processi di gestione HR.

Dicono di noi

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The Legal 500 Italy Employment 2023

The market says that “Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo shows an impressive capability to understand the business needs and put any topic in the right perspective for the best solution or an innovative approach”.

The Legal 500 Italy Employment 2023

Chambers and Partners Europe 2023

The firm is praised by the market for “timeliness of collaboration, strategic vision, and excellent listening and communication skills with all stakeholders”.

Chambers and Partners Europe 2023

Livello titolo
The Legal 500 Italy Employment 2023

Focused on the best way to support the clients thanks to standardized tools, technology and a wide network of experts to get the most advanced skills and knowledge for each field (legislation, tax, etc.).

The Legal 500 Italy Employment 2023

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Futuhro 2.0

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