Gender equality and social security contributions’ exemption. Rectification of applications possible until 15 October

Last Updated on August 23, 2024

In message no. 2844 of 13 August 2024, INPS clarified various points regarding transmission of applications for social security contributions’ exemption by private sector employers in possession of gender equality certification.

This was made necessary as processing of applications has revealed that the forms contained an inconsistent total average monthly wage, lower than the actual one (in this regard, it should be noted that the global average monthly remuneration refers to all remunerations paid or to be paid by the employer and not to the average remuneration of individual workers).  

Therefore, the Institute has announced that the employers concerned, who achieved gender parity certification by 31 December 2023 and filled in the field relating to the total average monthly wage incorrectlymay correct the data entered as long as they renounce the previously submitted application containing the erroneous information. Following this waiver, employers may submit a new application with the correct information and, in particular, the total average monthly wage.

The waiver and subsequent submission of a new application must be completed no later than the deadline of 15 October 2024

On this date, all applications in ‘transmitted’ status will be processed en masse. Therefore, any application meeting all the legal requirements but not rectified by this deadline will be accepted for the lower amount calculated on the basis of the erroneously indicated total average monthly wage. 

Toffoletto de Luca Tamajo is at your disposal for any support or clarification you may need.

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