
Viale Antonio Gramsci 14, Naples 80122 Italy

+39 081 684771

+39 02 7214 4500

A merger in employment law

As of 1 January 2012, Toffoletto e Soci and the Law Firm of Prof. Lawyer Raffaele De Luca Tamajo merged into Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo, and have since then continued to provide expertise services exclusively in employment law. Both firms have a long history in employment law, having been established in 1925 and 1948 respectively. The professionals who work in the Naples office have a deep knowledge of the local businesses, with particular reference to the public and private automotive and energy sectors. Our Naples office is able to effectively support companies during litigation proceedings, and leverages the experience honed in the field of personnel mobility and redundancy procedures, and of social safety nets.

In addition to Prof. Lawyer Raffaele De Luca Tamajo, the Naples office also includes Prof. Lawyer Maria Teresa Salimbeni and Prof. Lawyer Vincenzo Luciani.

The Naples office of Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo also includes a Research and Development Department. The Department represents a fundamental step the Firm undertook to give its clients a 360-degree high-quality service. The Naples office is a place of excellence in knowledge: in addition to developing new digital products, the office brings together the management and development functions of the Knowledge Management system, as well as internal training programmes, the development and upgrading of the Firm’s proprietary App and other digital products, such as guides and Law Maps™and much more.

Professionals in Naples