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Articles & Insights See all

Insights into the main and latest regulatory changes in the field of employment law, labour law and industrial relations, and agency contracts. The articles are written by the Firm professionals, who are on hand to answer any question.

Lavoratori stranieri, flussi migratori New Provisions for the Entry of Foreign Workers and the Fight Against Illegal Employment October 21, 2024 - Decree-Law No. 145/2024 introduces streamlined procedures for the entry of non-EU workers and toughens measures against illegal employment, ensuring legal and secure migration processes.
Sicurezza sul lavoro Towards a Safe and Sustainable Working Environment: New Decree on Protecting Workers from Reprotoxic Substances October 2, 2024 - On 26 September 2024, Legislative Decree No. 135 of 4 September 2024 was published, implementing Directive (EU) 2022/431 on the protection of workers from the risks arising from exposure to carcinogens, mutagens, and reproductive toxicants in the workplace.
DL Salva Infrazioni: novità sul contratto a termine Decree Law “Salva Infrazioni” (Saving Infringements): updates for fixed-term employment contracts  September 26, 2024 - Last Updated on September 26, 2024 Decree Law No. 131 of 16 September 2024 (the so-called Salva Infrazioni or “Saving Infringements”) has been published, which also concerns fixed-term employment contracts, following the indications of the infraction procedure with which the EU requested Italy to bring its domestic legislation into line with Directive 1999/70/EC on fixed-term employment. Until now, in ... Read more
ESG: trasparenza e responsabilità per le imprese italiane ESG: transparency and responsibility for Italian companies September 11, 2024 - On 10 September 2024 Italian Legislative Decree No. 125 of 6 September 2024 was pulished, implementing Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive No. 2022/2464

Webinars & Events See all

Webinars on the main and latest regulatory changes in the field of employment law, labour law and industrial relations, and agency contracts. They can be accessed via an interactive platform that allows an efficient exchange of information between speaker and participants, when the speakers are the Firm Partners.

Digital Nomads, virtual assignments e altre forme di mobilità internazionale non regolamentate March 1, 2021 - Last Updated on March 1, 2021 Con i relatori l’avv. Valeria Morosini, partner e il dott. Diego Paciello, Dottore Commercialista e Responsabile dell’area Fiscale, Welfare, Compensation and Benefits, si parlerà di: Digital nomads e smart workers “mobili” Accorgimenti contrattuali Implicazioni sul piano previdenziale Profili fiscali (luogo dell’imposizione – rischio doppia imposizione – retribuzioni convenzionali – cenni sul rischio di ... Read more
Brexit means Brexit: novità per i lavoratori e regole per l’immigrazione March 1, 2021 - Last Updated on March 1, 2021 Con la partecipazione di Naomi Hanrahan-Soar, avvocato dello studio legale Lewis Silkin, specializzata in diritto dell’immigrazione, con una esperienza pluridecennale nell’affiancare le aziende su tutti i temi relativi all’immigrazione in UK. Il seminario fa parte del ciclo di incontri «Expat 360°», promosso dal Global Mobility Club dello Studio. L’iniziativa è volta a trattare la Global mobility in tutte ... Read more

Guides See all

Practical guides on employment law, created by Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo.

Companies and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan: The ABC’s for HR departments October 20, 2022 - Last Updated on October 20, 2022 How can HR departments prepare themselves for the measures set out by the NRRP? Following the implementation of the measures provided for by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), as well as the return to “normal” following the pandemic, HR departments have found themselves in an increasingly ... Read more
Jobs Act Jobs Act – Riforma del diritto del lavoro italiano 2015. October 13, 2021 - Last Updated on October 13, 2021 Ultimo aggiornamento: novembre 2016 Una semplice illustrazione della recente riforma del lavoro. Volume dedicato agli aspetti fondamentali e innovativi dei decreti attuativi approvati dal Governo sul contratto a tutele crescenti, la nuovi ASPI e gli incentivi economici per le nuove assunzioni. L’ultima versione è arrichita di video illustrativi. Editore: ... Read more
LA protezione del patrimonio aziendale La protezione del patrimonio aziendale – Il manuale delle investigazioni aziendali October 13, 2021 - Last Updated on October 13, 2021 Se un dipendente commette un illecito sul luogo di lavoro, il datore di lavoro deve saper intervenire in modo rapido ed efficace. Come? Approfondendo preventivamente eventuali sospetti con investigazioni aziendali. Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo ha realizzato il «Manuale delle investigazioni aziendali», il primo capito di una serie di pubblicazioni ... Read more
Gli incentivi del 2020 Gli incentivi del 2020 – Un percorso per scoprire i nuovi orizzonti delle agevolazioni October 13, 2021 - Last Updated on October 13, 2021 Ora disponibile anche con le forme di incentivazione alle assunzioni previste dal D.L. 104/2020, entrato in vigore il 15 agosto, rivolte a tutti i datori di lavoro. Incentivi alle assunzioni di giovani, lavoratori in Cigs, disoccupati o di categorie particolari: sono molti gli strumenti per favorire l’occupazione, agevolando imprese ... Read more

Videos See all

Videos always available made by Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo, to learn more about any issues of interest at any time.

Webinars and Events May 4, 2022 -

Specialising in employment law since 1925. May 4, 2022 -

Global labour, employment and pensions lawyers May 4, 2022 -

Italian Employment Law – In brief May 4, 2022 -