Gender equality: Biennial Reports can now be submitted

Last Updated on June 7, 2024

The Biennial Report containing gender equality data for the two-year period 2022/2023 can be compiled from 4 June to 15 July 2024, following the new procedures laid down by the Ministry of Labour and explained in a specially prepared Operational Guide.

The new app available on the Ministry’s official website ‘Servizi Lavoro’ (Labour Services), is designed to simplify compilation and transmission of the Report regarding the situation of male and female employees by companies (public and private) with more than 50 employees, pursuant to Article 46 of Legislative Decree No. 198/2006.

Also on its website, the Ministry has published the Interministerial Decree of 3 June 2024 that explains how to compile the Report and, among other things, it specifies that the above-mentioned number should be understood as the total of workers employed in the company’s various offices and production units. Companies with registered offices abroad are required to submit the Report only if they employ more than 50 people in one or more locations in Italy.

The deadline for submission of the Report for the period 2022-2023 is 15 July 2024, while for future years it will be 30 April of the year following the end of each two-year period. By this date, the Report must be sent online to the company union representatives and the data contained therein will also be accessible by regional equality advisors and metropolitan city councillors, who may request additional information to ascertain any discriminatory conduct. Moreover, the equality advisors or union representatives must provide a copy of the Report at their disposal to any worker who requests it in order to bring legal action.

Finally, an Operational Guide also drawn up by the Ministry, is available to assist users with compilation.

Gender equality in companies is an important element of sustainable growth and is indicated as one of the principles that fit into the broader context of ESG policies, which aim to create a fair non-discriminatory approach in the world of work.

Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo is at your disposal for any support or clarification you may need.

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