National Collective Bargaining Agreement (NCBA) for Executives of the Industry Sector: Updates from the Renewal

Last Updated on November 22, 2024

On 13 November 2024, Federmanager and Confindustria signed a renewal agreement for the national collective bargaining agreement for executives of the industry sector of 30 July 2019. 

Below is a brief analysis of the contract’s new features, which will apply from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2027.

  1. Broadening of the notion of executive. The definition now also includes highly qualified professional figures with advanced technical-professional expertise who autonomously define and implement the objectives of the company or one of its branches.
  2. The total minimum guaranteed remuneration, (TMCG or trattamento minimo complessivo di garanzia) which was €75,000 for 2023, has been increased to €80,000 for the year 2025 and €85,000 for the year 2026. As the contract takes effect from next year and the previous NCBA expired on 31 December 2023, to cover 2024, by the end of March 2025, a one-off payment equal to 6% of the gross annual remuneration received in 2024 will be made (only) to executives who, classified as such as of 1 January 2019, have received a gross annual salary of up to €100,000 and have not received any salary increases or other remuneration from January 2019 to date.
  3. Introduction of the obligation for all companies to adopt index- or result-linked variable remuneration systems (so-called MBO), in order to increasingly steer the performance of executives towards the achievement of specific company objectives. Employers will be obliged to inform, annually as a rule, the executives’ Works Council (when there is one), about the criteria and modalities for implementing the MBO and to meet the same if requested. It also specifies that periods of compulsory maternity and paternity leave and parental leave may in no way lead to a reduction in the MBO amount due.
  4. Management of active policies and training of executives will be entrusted to ‘Fondirigenti Giuseppe Taliercio’ with, from 2025, payment of €100 per year by employers to the fund for each executive in service. Whereas ‘4.MANAGER’ is entrusted with the aims of raising awareness of corporate culture, through in-depth study of strategic issues (e.g. AI), and of promoting the development of gender equality in the workplace. In view of this, it confirms the obligation of companies to pay a €100 contribution every year for each executive.
  5. The fixed sum provided for the reimbursement of non-documentable expenses in the event of business-related travel has been increased from €85 to €100.
  6. In the presence of oncological pathologies, recognition of an additional 6 months’ protected sick leave period (increased therefore from 12 to 18), to be applied only during the first three years from the onset of the disease.
  7. The option for company bargaining to extend the duration of compulsory paternity leave(currently 10 days). Moreover, in order to facilitate the return to work, after compulsory maternity and paternity leave, executives may now reach an agreement on ways to receive constant updates about the activities for which they are responsible and company operations.The integration from 80 to 100% of the allowance to be paid for the first month of parental leave taken before the child’s sixth birthday.
  8. Recognition of the right to keep the position and to remain in the same position until the child is one year old, at the end of compulsory maternity/paternity leave and parental leave, unless expressly waived by the executive in front of a conciliation committee.
  9. Promotion of initiatives to ensure greater ‘flexibility’ for executives with children under the age of 12 or with disabilities, or who are carers for relatives benefiting from protection pursuant to Italian Law 104/1992, and to reduce the gender gap, also with the involvement of the relative union representation, where this exists.
  10. The introduction of the right to paid marriage leave of 15 days, also consecutive, to be requested with at least three months’ notice. 
  11. An increase in the insurance policy for death or permanent disability which, as of 1 January 2025, will be increased from €200,000 to €300,000 (without spouse or dependent children) and from €300,000 to €400,000 (with spouse or dependent children). The executive shall contribute €300 per year (previously €200) towards the cost of the relative premium. 
  12. Extension of the ban on transferring executives with disabled children from one production unit to another, unless agreed otherwise. In the other cases of prohibited transfer, i.e. executives over the age of 55 or over 50 with children, the parties concerned may agree otherwise.
  13. From 1 January 2025, the contribution to the Previndai supplementary pension fund will see the addition to the minimum quota to be paid by the company of a further 2% of the gross global remuneration up to a maximum of €200,000 and in any case no less than €4,800. Consequently, the executive’s contribution will be reduced from 4% to 2%.
  14. The opportunity of assessing the adoption of appropriate welfare initiatives at company level.
  15. The introduction of a specific annex on violence and harassment in the workplace so that companies are aware of the contents and adopt a specific declaration that clearly states their position of clear opposition to the phenomenon in question. 

Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo is at your disposal for any support or clarification you may need.

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