Decree Law “Salva Infrazioni” (Saving Infringements): updates for fixed-term employment contracts 

DL Salva Infrazioni: novità sul contratto a termine

Decree Law No. 131 of 16 September 2024 (the so-called Salva Infrazioni or “Saving Infringements”) has been published, which also concerns fixed-term employment contracts, following the indications of the infraction procedure with which the EU requested Italy to bring its domestic legislation into line with Directive 1999/70/EC on fixed-term employment. Until now, in the private sector, pursuant to Article 28 of Legislative Decree No. … Read more

Simplification of controls for businesses


Discover the key aspects of Legislative Decree no. 103 of 12 July 2024, designed to simplify controls on economic activities and foster a growth-friendly environment. Learn about the new administrative measures for verifying compliance with public interest rules, excluding tax and anti-mafia inspections, and more. Key provisions include a voluntary risk assessment system for low-risk certification, exemptions from frequent inspections, and corrective opportunities for minor violations. This legislation marks a significant step toward supporting businesses committed to ESG principles, promoting environmental protection, public health, and transparency.

Artificial Intelligence: EU Regulation published

Intelligenza artificiale

The Artificial Intelligence Regulation has been published in the Official Gazette. Its aim is to promote both innovation and the uptake of human-centric AI that guarantees a high level of protection for health, safety and fundamental rights. The measure also contains provisions concerning the world of work.

Biennial Report: new extension

Parità di genere. Il bonus contributivo per le imprese virtuose.

On 3 July 2024, the Italian Ministry of Labour published a notice on its website announcing that the deadline for submitting the Biennial Report 2022-2023 has once again been extended.

Italian Data Protection Authority: new guidelines for retention of employee emails

Garante privacy: nuove indicazioni per la raccolta dell’email dei dipendenti

With measure no. 364 of 6 June, the Italian Data Protection Authority has adopted an updated version of guideline document no. 642 of 21 December 2023 (the validity of which had been suspended) entitled ‘Computer programmes and services for email management in the workplace and metadata processing’ (see our newsflash ‘Data Protection Authority: restrictions regarding retention of employee emails” of … Read more

Gender equality: Biennial Reports can now be submitted

Equal Pay

The Biennial Report containing gender equality data for the two-year period 2022/2023 can be compiled from 4 June to 15 July 2024, following the new procedures laid down by the Ministry of Labour and explained in a specially prepared Operational Guide. The new app available on the Ministry’s official website ‘Servizi Lavoro’ (Labour Services), is designed to simplify compilation and transmission of the Report regarding the situation of male … Read more

Violence against women: Directive published

Violenza contro le donne

Publication of Directive no. 1385 of 14 May 2024 ‘on combating violence against women and domestic violence’. The aim of this measure is to effectively combat the still unfortunately widespread phenomenon of gender-based violence, focusing in particular on the precise definition of crimes and imposable penalties, the protection of and assistance to victims, and access to justice. In particular, it stipulates that Member States shall adopt appropriate measures to combat all forms of … Read more