Gender Gap: Parameters to attain the certification

Last Updated on July 8, 2022

A further step has been taken towards fully defining a national gender equality certification system for businesses with the publication on 1 July of the Decree of the Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri (Prime Minister) of 29 April, issued pursuant to Budget Law 2022.  The so-called ‘pink stamp’ (bollino rosa), issued by accredited bodies, certifies the virtuous policies adopted by companies to reduce the occupational and career gender gap and makes them eligible for a social contribution exemption and a bonus score for tenders and state aid.

This very streamlined measure merely confirms that the parameters (so-called  KPIs or Key Performance Indicators) to obtain the certification are those already detailed in the UNI/PdR 125:2022 procedure  of 16 March, grouped into six areas of interest (culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, pay equity by gender, protection of parenthood and work-life balance; see the 31 March newsflash).     

It also stipulates that in order to enable company union representatives and equality advisors (territorial and regional) to monitor and verify compliance with the indicators, employers are required to produce an annual report reflecting the degree of compliance with the procedure. Should any anomalies be detected, they can be reported to the body that issued the ‘pink stamp’, subject to the company being given a maximum of 120 days to comply.

Our firm can support your company in attaining certification and eligibility for the related benefits.

By: Alessia De Concilio and Stefania Vitiello

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