Constitutional Court: the mere compensation remedy in collective redundancies is lawful

Corte costituzionale: legittima la tutela indennitaria nei licenziamenti collettivi

Italian employment law currently provides for two different regimes when it comes to remedies for violation of rules on selection criteria in collective redundancies: reinstatement for employees hired before March 7, 2015; and a financial compensation, ranging from 6 to 36 months of pay for employees hired since March 7, 2015. In Judgment No. 7 dated January 22, 2024, the provision of different sanctions for the same violation, depending only on the date of hire, has been deemed lawful by the Constitutional Court, as it appears not to violate the principle of equality.

“Mothers Bonus”. Social security contribution exemption for working mothers

Bonus Mamme L’esonero contributivo per le lavoratrici madri

The Budget Law for 2024 (Law 213/2023) introduced a social security contribution exemption for working mothers – called “Mothers Bonus” – with three or more children, employed with an open-ended contract, valid from 2024 to 2026. On an experimental basis, this exemption has been extended in 2024 to also include mothers of two children. On 31 January 2024, INPS published Circular 27 detailing the procedures for making the measure operative. Find out more on Toffoletto De Luca Tamajo

Italy signs the Framework Agreement on social security in cases of cross-border telework within the EU, the EEA and Switzerland

L’Italia aderisce all’accordo quadro in materia di sicurezza sociale sul lavoro da remoto transfrontaliero in UE, AEE e Svizzera

Italy signs the Framework Agreement on social security in cases of cross-border telework within the EU, the EEA and Switzerland. applies to the cases in which an employee of an employer with its premises in a State that signed the Framework Agreement, carries out cross-border telework in another signatory State, in which they have their residence. Employees who habitually perform cross-border telework may request an A1 form pursuant to Article 16 of Regulation (EC) no. 883/2004 in order to maintain the application of the social security legislation of the State in which the employer has its premises, provided that the cross-border telework in the State of residence is less than 50% of the total working time.

Occupational asbestos exposure: new rules from the EU

Esposizione all’amianto sul lavoro: nuove regole dall’UE

Asbestos is an extremely dangerous carcinogenic substance, unfortunately still present in some economic sectors. For this reason, the European Union has once again intervened with Directive No. 2668 of 22 November 2023, integrating and amending previous Directive 2009/148/EC, in order to ensure better protection for people who, during their work, are or may be exposed to dust from asbestos or materials containing this mineral.

Whistleblowing. The 17 December deadline draws closer

From 17 December 2023, companies that, over the past year, have employed an average of not fewer than 50 and not more than 249 employees, with open-ended or fixed-term employment contracts, must activate an internal reporting channel. So what should companies do in view of the 17 December deadline and what to watch out for during company investigations triggered by whistleblowing.

Immigration: new points of interest for highly qualified workers

Directive (EU) 2021/1883 is transposed in Italy by Legislative Decree No. 152 of 18 October regarding the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals intending to perform highly qualified work. The measure amends the Consolidation Act on immigration and updates the requirements and procedures for issue of the so-called EU Blue Card, namely the work permit issued, for periods of more than three months and outside the quotas established by the Flow Decree, to foreigners in possession of specific educational and/or professional qualifications. The Decree first redefines the objective requirements for entry into Italy, introducing, as an alternative, the possession of specific qualifications.

Flow Decree 2023-2025: Prime Ministerial Decree published

On 3 October 2023 the Prime Ministerial Decree of 27 September 2023 (the so-called Flows Decree 2023-2025) was published in the Official Gazette, stipulating a total quota of 452,000 foreign citizens for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 and defining the criteria for entry flows. Of the criteria pertinent to all the years in question the following stand out: a reduction of the gap between the numbers entering and the needs of the labour market, based on a programme of increasing quotas over the three years, consistent with the reception and integration capacity of foreign workers by local communities, the extension of the economic sectors, and incentives to attract highly skilled workers. Further specific criteria for entry within and over and above the set quotas are also detailed.

Smart working: extension of the rights for the extra-vulnerable

Decree Law No. 132 of 29 September 2023 has extended to 31 December 2023 the right to smart working for the so-called “extra-vulnerable” public and private sector employees. Until 31 December 2023, the right to smart working is also recognised for: parents of children under the age of 14; workers who, based on the company doctor’s assessment, are at a greater risk of contagion by Covid-19 due to age or immunodepression.

Whistleblowing: what action to take from 15 July 

The provisions of Legislative Decree 24/2023, which transposed Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on whistleblowing, come into force on 15 July 2023. We remind you that, under this law, an internal whistleblowing channel must be set up by companies that: The obligation to set up an internal reporting channel starts: What, therefore, must the companies in question do? Our firm is ready … Read more